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ESEF – nytt av året

Esef Web
I begynnelsen av mai i fjor bekreftet Finanstilsynet at ESEF (European Single Electronic Format) for noterte foretak ville bli innført i Norge. Sammen med vår samarbeidspartner ARKK sørget BOLT for at våre noterte kunder leverte iht. lovpålagte krav.

For regnskapsåret 2022 er det viktig å være klar over at man i tillegg til merking av resultatoppstilling, balanse, kontantstrøm og egenkapital i konsernregnskapet, også skal merke notene. Såkalt «blokktagging» av noter. Dersom du ønsker å lese om dette så har European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) nettopp gitt ut en veiledning ESEF Reporting Manual. Du kan også lese råd og tips fra vår samarbeidspartner Adam Edgar i ARKK her Block Tagging’​ Guidance.

Dersom du ønsker å høre mer om hva vi kan tilby – ta kontakt med oss i BOLT.

Her kan du også lese hva Nicole Ch’ng i Schibsted, en av våre ESEF-kunder, sa om vårt samarbeid for regnskapsåret 2021:

«Schibsted has had a very positive experience with BOLT and ARKK. The expectations of the vendor and client were clear from the beginning of the project and the process required limited resources from the client. BOLT has been a pro-active and trusted adviser, giving us valuable suggestions and assisted us throughout the project.

ARKK played an independent and accommodative role through tagging the primary financial statements, participating in meetings with our auditors and were available for short turn-arounds. They delivered the reports at the agreed timelines.

We are pleased with the deliveries and look forward to working with BOLT and ARKK again in the future.

– Nicole Ch’ng, Group Accounting Department

At the beginning of May last year, Finanstilsynet confirmed that ESEF (European Single Electronic Format) for listed companies would be introduced in Norway. Together with our partner ARKK, BOLT has ensured that our listed customers delivered according to statutory requirements.

This format requires companies to tag the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow and equity in the consolidated accounts. For the financial year 2022, it is also compulsory to block tag the notes. For more information about this, the European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) has recently published a guide called ESEF Reporting Manual. Our partner, Adam Edgar in ARKK, provides valuable information and advice in his guide Block Tagging Guidance.

If you need further information, or want to know more about pricing, feel free to contact us.

This is what Nicole Ch’ng in Schibsted, one of our ESEF customers, said about our collaboration for the financial year 2021:

«Schibsted has had a very positive experience with BOLT and ARKK. The expectations of the vendor and client were clear from the beginning of the project and the process required limited resources from the client. BOLT has been a pro-active and trusted adviser, giving us valuable suggestions and assisted us throughout the project.

ARKK played an independent and accommodative role through tagging the primary financial statements, participating in meetings with our auditors and were available for short turn-arounds. They delivered the reports at the agreed timelines.

We are pleased with the deliveries and look forward to working with BOLT and ARKK again in the future.»

– Nicole Ch’ng, Group Accounting Department

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